The latest documentary by Sylwia Rosak will have its world premiere at the prestigious Santa Barbara International Film Festival. The program also includes 'In the Rearview' by Maciek Hamela

The Santa Barbara International Film Festival is an eleven-day-long film festival in California. The event has been held since 1986. Over the years, the festival has enjoyed a great reputation, making a great impression thanks to its diversity and the quality of presented films. This year's edition will be held on 7–17 February.

The latest film by Sylwia Rosak has been invited to one of the festival's sections. Lili is produced by Haka Films.

Eight-year-old Lili and her father are going on another trip around Norway. This is one of Tomek's suggestions for spending time together when it's his turn to look after his daughter. The girl's parents are no longer together. Father-daughter journeys across the country they have emigrated to are an opportunity to deepen their bond by tackling the challenges they encounter together. A difficult trail, fear, or fatigue seem like nothing compared to the barrage of questions asked by the uncompromising Lili. These verify their perception of home, the stability of relationships, and the definition of partnership. The expectations towards loved ones are put to the test, and finding a sense of security in the new – extended – family arrangement becomes the biggest challenge.

You can find out more about the festival here.