Paweł Chorzępa’s film was considered the best debut at the Hungarian Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival.

Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival is Hungary’s largest festival dedicated to films about human rights. It has been held since 2004. In addition to the latest documentaries, Verzio – through its workshops, retrospectives, and student screenings – aims to establish a forum where films are analysed in a creative and critical manner. Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival was held between 10-22 November 2020.

The award-winning “Sonny” is a subtle tale about the difficult love between a father and son as well as a depiction of an unending struggle for freedom. Not much is said, it’s the gestures and actions that speak about family relations. Marcin – the main protagonist – has been hurt by his parents. His mother drank during pregnancy, so he was born with FAS, and is then taken away from his parents at the age of twelve because of their alcohol addiction. The orphanage takes his childhood away. It feels like the military. Despite such terrible experiences, after reaching adulthood, he decides to return to his father and try to re-build their relationship. Finding one’s own place – a safe haven in an aviary – gives Marcin hope. However, having to constantly look after his alcoholic father keeps clipping his wings.

A list of all awarded films can be found here.