The short documentary by Tomasz Ratter and Karolina Karwan received a Special Jury Mention at the Festival Tous Court in France.

Festival Tous Court is one of the oldest and most important French events devoted entirely to short films. Each year its program includes more than 200 productions from around the world, from latest releases to well-known classics and forgotten gems.

This year Moody by the directing duo Tomasz Ratter and Karolina Karwan was among the invited films. The half-hour documentary received a Special Jury Mention.

On a small island somewhere in Indonesia, reliant on the whims of nature, a mother and her adult son – who talks with ghosts in a dancing trance – live alone. Moody is a beautifully illustrated story about a turbulent relationship between two people who are stuck in a tropical “paradise” and can only rely on one another. It is a story of solitude and alienation, but also a mystical journey in which music and dance become a means of communicating with the spirit world, leading to acceptance and understanding.

You can find all the necessary information about the festival on its website.