Katarzyna Warzecha's animated film took the US-based Aspen Shortsfest by storm. It won the Jury Award and the Ellen Prize, which honours the festival's founder.

Aspen Shortfest was founded in 1979 by Ellen Kohner Hunt and to this day remains one of the most prestigious short film festivals in the United States.Its mission has been to provide entertainment, educate, and promote cinema. Every year, approximately 200 films from around the world are shown and the pandemic did not stop it – this year's edition was held online.

Winning two awards, the film “We Have One Heart” tells the story of Adam. After his mother's death, he finds letters exchanged years ago by his parents: a Polish woman and a Kurd living in Iraq. It creates an opportunity to learn more about his father, whom he has never met. The combination of animated drawings and archival materials takes us back almost 40 years into the past, lets us feel the emotions of lovers living in different parts of the world and discover an extraordinary family secret.

You can learn more about the festival here.