On Wednesday, 19 March, workshops and pitching Docs in Thessaloniki began in Thessaloniki. The latest project by Edward Porembny, "Life and Death of Max Linder," has been selected to participate in the workshops.

Docs in Thessaloniki is the name of international workshops ending with pitching, which began on 19 March and will last until 23 March. The first three days are dedicated to work on the development of the projects - the participants of the workshop will polish up the structure and style of their projects, as well as pitching techniques. The next two days will be taken up by the pitching itself, during which all projects will be shown to a group of buyers, financiers and commissioning editors from leading broadcasters. After the pitching, there will be individual meetings.

The selection committee has chosen 21 projects to participate in Docs in Thessaloniki. Among them, there is the latest project by Edward Porembny, "Life and Death of Max Linder." Only a few people, passionate of the history of cinema, know who Max Linder was. The only noticeable monument named after him is a beautiful cinema in the centre of Paris called Max Linder Panorama. But if we ask any of the people attending that cinema where the name comes from, almost no one would be able to answer correctly. The presented status quo would be understandable if Max Linder was solely one of many cinema pioneers. However, he was the first international star, earning fortunes in Europe and the USA, venerated by millions of fans on both continents. What happened that such a significant figure has been forgotten? The answer lies in the dramatic story of Max Linder’s life, which the film will present.

More information about Docs in Thessaloniki can be found here.