”Arabic Secret”, a documentary by Julia Groszek, was noticed by the jury at the Egyptian festival Ismailia, where it received an award in the short documentary competition.

The 20th Ismailia International Film Festival for Documentaries & Shorts, which finished on April 17th, was very fruitful for Polish cinema. The Jury of the Short Documentary Competition decided to give the Jury Prize to the film "Arabic Secret" by Julia Groszek.

The jury justified its decision calling it "a brilliant movie about the search of a father and one's own identity. Emotions and suspense are maintained up till the final scene."

The film protagonist Kamil wants to meet his father Ilham Al Madfai who is an Arabic folk musician and a celebrity in the Middle East. The two have never met. The director Julia Groszek invites viewers to follow Kamil's journey and reflect on the meaning of life and the need to find ones’ roots.