This year, the 30th edition of the International Documentary Film Festival Doc.Fest was held in Munich. In the main competition, the film "Something better to come" by Hanna Polak won the award, whereas the special mention was given to "The Queen of Silence" by Agnieszka Zwiefka.

DOK.fest is the largest feature-length documentary film festival in Germany, presenting films from around the world. This year, one could see 140 films from 38 countries.

In the Main Competition, the films were assessed by the jury consisting of: Ruth Diskin, Jarmila Outratová and Volker Heise. Viktor - the Festival's main award - went to the documentary "Something better to come" by Hanna Polak. The jury appreciated the extraordinary story told in the film, the incredible contribution of the director into actions for the benefit of the inhabitants of the dumping ground near Moscow, special attitude towards the characters, impressive cinematography as well as introducing the viewers to the political and social context of Russian society.

In the same competition, the special mention went to "The Queen of Silence" by Agnieszka Zwiefka. The film "about dreams and reality" was honoured for skillfully mixing music, dance and scenes from everyday life of the Romany culture. According to the jury, the documentary film portrays a fascinating protagonist who, in spite of her disability, shows great passion for life.

The full list of award-winners is available on the festival's website.